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The background to the development of the Tipping Point Methodology



The background to the development of the Tipping Point Methodology

Mia Merethe Skriver Haukås

Mia Merethe Skriver Haukås

Sep, 01 0 min å lese

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The background to the development of the Tipping Point Methodology
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To put the world in order, we must first put the nation in order; to put the nation in order, we must put the family in order; to put the family in order, we must cultivate our personal life; and to cultivate our personal life, we must first set our hearts right.

Why is it so difficult to implement the desired change?

One of the questions people have been most concerned with is why it is so difficult to implement a desired change for the better.

What makes a patient with lung cancer continue to smoke, despite the fact that the pain caused by smoking is demonstrable and almost always infinitely worse than the withdrawal symptoms during the withdrawal period?

What is the reason why management in a company sets goals and makes intelligent plans for realization, which it does not follow through on?

What is it that allows us to be ugly with the one we love?

What is the trigger for conflicts that no one wants to escalate anyway?

There must be a force stronger than what we call reason or will - but can it be controlled or controlled?

It's a question humans have grappled with for millennia. Not until 1991 was it proven how this power works and how it can be controlled.

Benjamin Libet's ground-breaking research

The presentation of evidence was carried out by brain researcher Benjamin Libet after he had dealt with the topic for 20 years. He proved something that various psychologists and others have been convinced of for centuries.

Libet's discoveries could turn everything to do with management or parenting on its head. When it did not happen, it was presumably because the research communities kept the knowledge to themselves or at least because the research communities did not do enough to make Libet's research easily accessible to people in all forms of relationships.